
Divorce Financial Planning for Women

When you are faced with divorce and taking control of your finances, it can feel like you have a mountain standing in the path. But rest assured, you can do this!


  1. Take financial inventory
  2. Establish individual accounts
  3. Build your ‘A’ team
  4. Make sure your settlement agreement is financially sound
  5. Create your post-divorce financial plan and trajectory

Whether you are recently divorced or contemplating a divorce,
a legal and financial separation is often much different
for women than it is for men...

Take control of your next chapter.
Financial freedom is possible with the right partner.

Take control of your next chapter. Financial freedom is possible with the right partner.

Take control of your next chapter. Financial freedom is possible with the right partner.

Click below to schedule your complimentary planning session with Joanna Amberger, CFP®

Learn the building blocks of financial security and financial independence.